Thursday, 30 July 2015

Divine Repositioning

Topic:                  Divine Repositioning
Minister:              Pastor Chuks Nduka
Event:                  Vigil
Date:                    Friday 24 July, 2015.
Pst. Kinsley Chuks Nduka
·         Anytime a man/woman decides to take what divinely belongs to him/her, the enemy raises oppositions.
·         Our Heaven Father always waits for us to be tired of our position and cry for change before He rises.
·         The moment you take your position in life, people will look out for you. Isaiah 60:1-5.
·         The distinguishing factor in a child of God is the glory of God. Isaiah 55:5, Exodus 33:12-16.
·          Always be aware of familiar spirits which positions to thwart the plan of God for our destiny. Micah 7:5-6.

                  Prayer Points
1.       Every covenant with the moon, sun, stars, earth and the sea, to short-change my glory, is nullified in Jesus Name.
2.       Every prophetic company assigned for my lifting, locate me in Jesus Name.
3.        Powers maintaining evil authority over my life is dethroned in Jesus Name.
4.       Strange words sent fort to trap me, scatter in Jesus Name.
5.       Every organised battle against me from any source, to involve me negatively, scatter in Jesus Name.
6.       My Father in heaven! Let your voice supersede every other voice in my life in Jesus Name.
7.       Father, let your voice position men for my lifting in Jesus name.

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