Monday, 14 December 2015

The Ideal Kingdom Family With Pastor Nduka Sam Okoro, The Associate Pastor of Guiding Light Assembly. During The Sunday Celebration Service of the Just Concluded Church 2nd Anniversary.

Pst Sam Okoro
Associate Pastor Guiding Light Assembly Lagos
Family is so important to God that He exemplified it by forming His spiritual family where He is the Father, Jesus as the first son and senior brother and the church as family members. Rom. 8:29.

God also desires the salvation of family; He desires that every family becomes part of His spiritual family. Acts 5:42, 16:11-16.
Why family is key to God is because it is the most basic and important building blocks that He uses in doing His work on earth.

Kingdom of God and Family Defined

Kingdom of God
The kingdom of God is any sphere where the rule of God is acknowledged. It is a sphere where the will of God is done or a sphere where the word of God is obeyed.

Family can be defined as the union of one man and one woman in marriage which is usually blessed with children both biological or adopted.
An ideal kingdom family is a family that is subjected to the will of God as it is in 1Cor.7:1-15

Features of An Ideal Christian Home/Family Gen.1: 28, 2:18, 2:24
1.    One man, one wife
2.    Monogamy; the man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife.
3.    The marriage must have the consent of both parents and must be done in public.
4.    Sexual intercourse; the two must become one flesh. God’s purpose for sex is that it be done within the context of marriage.
5.    ‘Cleave to’ Permanence of marriage. An attempt to separate what is cleaved together always ends in damage of both. God did not approve of divorce.

Why Marriages Must Be Permanent
1.    To provide an environment for children to be raised in the way of the Lord so they can become future change agents.
2.    Relationship
3.    Meeting of needs
4.    Communication
5.    Availability

For relationship in marriage to last, certain factors must be in place. These factors are (a) Love; which must be unconditional. (b) Trust; which must not be compromised but must be shown through honesty, truthfulness and accountability. (c) Respect; which is hinged on value of one another and relating with each other base on such value. None should be taken for granted. 1 Peter 3:7, Eph. 1:33, Eph. 3: 2-3 (d) Understanding; this is achieved through self revelation. When you reveal yourself to your spouse so that he or she gets to know you more though talking and sharing. 1 Peter 3:7.
Relationship is also achieved through observing each other.

Meeting of needs: Gen. 2:18.
God expects us to meet each other needs in an ideal kingdom home. He exemplified it by creating Eve who is Adams help meet.

Wife’s Roles:
1.    Sexual fulfillment
2.    Recreational companionship
3.    An attractive wife
4.    Admiration

Husband’s Role:
1.    Affection
2.    Conversation
3.    Openness and honesty
4.    Financial commitment
5.    Family commitment.

In conclusion, an ideal Christian family is a family where Jesus is the head 1cor. 11:3

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